Christmas Eve day we headed over to my Aunt Lissa's to celebrate with my mom's side of the family (the Shattucks).
Grayson eating with Brian, Cody and Eric. In this picture he has his arms out and he's saying to Kristen, "Hey Mom. Do you have tickets? To the gun show?" And then he kisses his muscles. |
Rachel and Scott |
My mom and all her brothers and sisters: Chip, Steve, Judy, Lissa and Mom |
COUSINS! Front: Liz, Kristen, Me and Rachel. Back: Rob, Brian, Eric, Scott, Dane, David, Mark and Keith |
2nd COUSINS: Harper, Grayson, Natalia, Riley, Aubrey, Betty, Reese, McKenzie and Austin
There were at least 15 people standing behind me chanting the kids names. Then everyone would start chanting one name, "Harper, Harper" and so Harper started clapping along. We tried chanting "Natalia, Natalia" but she was throwing a fit and wouldn't look up at the camera. |
My Aunt Marlene dressed up as Santa's elf and gave the kids toys. Grayson's dragon "Rawr!" |
KK, Reese and Harper
Uncle E and Harper playing on his phone, calling "Santa"
My cousin Mark and his new fiance Amy |
Dane showed up in a woman's cream mock turtleneck and a embroidered nativity scene vest. Kristen made him change before our family picture. |
Every year, the youngest (who is able) gets to plug in the Christmas Tree lights after we bless the tree. This year it was Grayson's turn. My Aunt Lissa is explaining to him what he gets to do. He was so excited. |
My Papa Bob starting the Christmas Tree blessing and sharing that we added two more to our family this year (Baby Betty and Baby Reese) and next year we'll add two more (my cousin Liz is pregnant and due in May and my cousin Mark is getting married). We had 38 members of the family this year and next year'll we'll have 40. |
In the middle of the Christmas Tree Blessing you could hear Grayson asking Brian, "Now?" several times. |
And Harper was pulling people's hands to get off the fireplace. She wanted to sit there. |
So my Aunt Judy moved and Harper climbed up next to Amy and was laughing and giggling at her. It was so cute. |
Grayson plugging in the lights |
He had the biggest smile when everyone started cheering. And Harper walked up to the tree yelling "Wow! Wow!" |
G and Uncle E |
Family Pic: Dane, Eric, Me, Cody, Harper, Mom, Mark, Reese, Kristen, Grayson and Brian |
Chip's Family: Theresa, Chip, Lynne, Natalia, Rob, David and Betty |
Lissa's family: Brian, Keith, Scott, Lissa, Mike, Mark and Amy |
Judy's family: Aubrey, James, Liz, John, Judy, Rachel and Riley |
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