Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Gingerbread Houses with McCools

Brian went to the Ranch for the weekend, so we decided to go to Frisco to spend the day with the McCool's.  We used to get more time together, but since we have moved we haven't gotten as much.  So this was a treat that I was so thankful for!  We got there around lunchtime and the littles napped while the bigs made gingerbread houses.  Kristen had bought a gingerbread village kit so each kid could decorate one and it came with everything needed.  It was still a lot of work and a ridiculous mess!  But these kids had the best time and loved every minute of making their own gingerbread house.  Harper and Reese went a little overboard on eating the icing and candy vs. decorating.  When my back was turned, they both scarfed down like 12 pieces of candy.  Grayson was more focused and had a more structured look to his candy decorating.  

After dinner, we headed to Grayson't basketball game.  He just started this season and he is so cute playing!  My dad taught him to dribble a few weeks ago and he is already so good!  He is the best at defense.  He just waits for them to get close and then steals the ball and runs down the court with it. He tries to hard to shoot a basket, but it's usually a little short.  He has so much heart though!  Some of the other kids are good, but some have no clue.  It's hysterical.  Harper and Reese sat and watched the game while eating enormous amounts of popcorn.  And Paige sat in my lap without moving for an hour.  Turns out that was sick and running a fever - poor baby.  We headed home after the game but it was a fun day!

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