On Christmas Eve morning, we were exhausted. Paige was up from 2:30-4 and Harper was up from 4-5. It was horrible. I am not a nice person in the middle of the night. I also had to make food and get all of us ready and wrap presents and even stop for a few errands on the way. It was a long morning. We got to my Aunt Lissa's late but just in time for lunch. We all ate tamales and mexican food and then the kids played outside. I'm sure I'm supposed to be sad that it wasn't snowing, but I was loving the 70 degree weather. We took a big family picture because it was the first year in awhile that all family members were there. Keith is home and we had 4 babies this year (Paige, Sawyer, Ellie, and Joseph). I counted and there are 43 people from Papa Bob down. It's a big famly!

After pictures, we did the Christmas Tree reading and opened presents. The newest generation (2nd cousins) opened gifts first. Harper was super excited about her Frozen activity binder and Paige got a sweet baby doll. The kids loved their gifts and it was fun to watch them open things with such joy! After that, our generation of cousins did our white elephant gift exchange. It is always crazy fun because some of the gifts are straight liquor and some are regifts from Kathryn's closet. There are more guys than girls so it's hard to get stuff, but it's always funny to try. This one consisted of three bottles being stolen and locked, a few coffee items, some hulk hands, and some Christmas movies. It was fun to play and we had a good time.
After pictures, we did the Christmas Tree reading and opened presents. The newest generation (2nd cousins) opened gifts first. Harper was super excited about her Frozen activity binder and Paige got a sweet baby doll. The kids loved their gifts and it was fun to watch them open things with such joy! After that, our generation of cousins did our white elephant gift exchange. It is always crazy fun because some of the gifts are straight liquor and some are regifts from Kathryn's closet. There are more guys than girls so it's hard to get stuff, but it's always funny to try. This one consisted of three bottles being stolen and locked, a few coffee items, some hulk hands, and some Christmas movies. It was fun to play and we had a good time.
After presents, we hung out and had dessert and then we had to head to Denison. Paige did a great job staying up until we left at 2:30 so she was exhausted. She slept all the way home and Harper watched a movie, so it went quickly. We got to church just in time and both girls were happy to go play in their rooms. Christmas Eve service was great, a perfect combination of traditional carols with a relevant twist of the nativity story. Serena met us there and it was a good reminder of what the holiday is about. After church, we had dinner at the Hempkins' for Christmas. We came back to our house for bath and pj's. Paige got to open her present before bed and she loved her Cozy Coupe Truck. She climbed right in and Harper pushed her around the house. Paige went to bed and it was Harper's turn. She got a new Elsa dress and everything Frozen Fever related. She had a blast opening all her stuff and helping everyone else. Cody got a welder's helmet which was awesome. It was a great night! We had dessert and relaxed and put Harper to bed.
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