This month Harper has been obsessed with making cards for people. She gets construction paper and scribbles on it and then tells me who it's for. She calls them "gift cards" and even sends them in the mail sometimes. She writes them to us mostly, sometimes the Spiegels, and this time was a card for Avinley because she was sick.
Paige is so precious. Such a fabulous February addition. She is beautiful. She has long fingers and long toes. She has a full head of dark hair that gets fuzzy after she sleeps on it. She has a funny, scrunched up face when she is sleeping and something bothers her. When she is awake, she is wide awake. Her eyes are perfect tiny circles with dark grey blue. Her belly is getting a bit chubby, especially compared to her skinny, chicken legs. By the end of February, she was smiling a little, mostly in sleep. She has a tiny little nose and is constantly snorting when she's grumpy about something. It's the best snort ever. She looks just like Harper at this age. Like, they are almost identical babies. All their facial features look the same. I love that they look so similar.

Paige. This sweet child is such a beautiful, sweet, high maintenance baby. She wants to be held all the time. Like, as in, all of the hours of the day. Every now and then, she will nap in the pack and play, on the bed, or on the couch. She doesn't like the swing, the bouncy seat, or anything else. She will sleep in the car seat if we are going somewhere, so that's nice. But in general, she likes to be held. She sleeps at night ok. Not great, but I guess it's just the newborn phase. Hopefully. And hopefully it will be over soon.

The weird thing, is that she sleeps all day. Like all. day. long. She really isn't hardly ever awake. She doesn't even wake up while she is eating. She is good at eating and sleeping at the same time. And she can even eat, sleep, and poop all at the same moment. Very talented. She has one morning time and one afternoon time when she is awake for about an hour. And every other night or so she is awake for an hour, but that's because she's mad. Crying, mostly. We aren't sure why, but we are working on it. So in all, she sleeps for about 20 hours a day, maybe more. This kid is one crazy baby.

My friend, Lauren, from BSF brought us dinner one night and also let us borrow her moby wrap. I told her I was nervous that I wouldn't know how to use it, so she decided to give me a tutorial. She is way better at it than me and Paige actually liked being in it when she was holding her. I noticed the next week that every time I sat down to feed or rock Paige, Harper would get cranky. She suddenly wanted me to play or read to her or go outside. She would get upset that I couldn't get up and go with her. So I tried the Moby a few times so that Paige could be held and I could still have free hands to play with Harper. It was ok, I got the Moby wrap on but it wasn't tight enough. She stayed for a few minutes, but of course wanted out after about 10 minutes (like all her toys). While I was carrying her, Harper went and got her doll carrier and put it on. So we walked around the house for just a little bit together.
Harper loved having visitors. My parents came on Valentine's Day and she got to open a valentine's present. It was good because we didn't do anything fun for Valentine's otherwise. The same day, the Duffs came to visit and she got to play with Lydia all night. Ryan just hung out but was pretty unhappy when Tracy was holding Paige. It was comical. I also got to go to girls night with our bible study. It was only a week after Paige was born, but I needed some girl time. It went ok, I didn't stay long. But I enjoyed laughing with my friends for a bit. Harper and Anna are only about 3 months apart and Clementine is only 3 months older. They are going to get to play together every week growing up and it will be fun to watch. That night we did laugh about the fact that Harper was about 10 times more tan than Anna. Paige's skin is seriously crazy.
So far, life has been ok with two. I am exhausted. Paige doesn't sleep well at night and I am truly not functioning at night. One night I couldn't even figure out why there was crying waking me up. It took me a minute or two to figure out it was Paige and she was hungry. I'm usually ok during the day, maybe a little tired but nothing too bad. The first day Cody went back to work was Paige's first night to not sleep hardly at all. I was exhausted. So that morning I did put on a movie and nap with Paige. And then Cody came home at lunchtime to help out and make sure we were ok. So it hasn't been too bad. I was worried about Harper feeling jealous or bored or grumpy if we didn't do as much. But she has been fabulous. I can't even think of any days that she was like that. She loves Paige and she doesn't mind, plus she loves playing at home and never complains.
Cody got to stay home for a week to help me when Paige was born. It was awesome and I honestly would not have been able to do it without him. He was so helpful and kept all of us from falling apart. Every day, he kept Harper entertained and took her somewhere to get her out of the house. They went to the store, to the park, and a few other places. He took her to dance class and sat with all the other dance moms for the hour. I'm assuming he talked to Kelly for most of the time but I asked him about all the good dance mom gossip and he kept me in the loop. He cooked when we needed food, did dishes, and got Harper dressed or bathed every day. He also didn't mind when Paige woke him up in the middle of the night. He was such a fabulous husband and dad and I know he was happy to be home with Paige for the first week too. We wanted to do as much of Harper's stuff as possible, so we decided to go to church so she didn't miss her class. It ended up being ok and we enjoyed getting out for just a few minutes.
Taylor and Carleigh came to visit over the weekend because they had Monday off. It was nice to have them around. They played with Harper all day and kept her so entertained. Plus, the brought her some shrinky drinks so they made jewelry all morning. Harper thought it was amazing. She just kept telling me about how the things shrank in the oven. They made about 10 necklaces and bracelets so now Harper has even more accessories she has to wear each day. They were such a big help that day. I got to go to the grocery store, which was a big deal since I hadn't gone in over a week. I wasn't prepared for Paige and hadn't stocked up or gotten all my stuff. They held Paige as much as possible and I seriously think they were timing each other to make sure they each got time.
Harper definitely wins the best big sister award. She seriously can't get enough of Paige. She likes to hold her, hug her, kiss her, hold her hand, get her paci/diaper/blanket, or do anything else that we ask. She is the first to tell us when Paige is crying or when she needs something (she's very opinionated about this too). She always tells her how cute she is and how much she loves her. She is great about trying to entertain her if she is crying or rocking her seat if I am trying to get dressed or do something real quick. She is such a great sister. We still have to explain that she is too close to her, too rough, or too in her face, but it's getting better. She also loves to help me bathe Paige at night. She gets to put her rag on Paige's tummy and wash her feet. I just know that Paige is going to love her big sister!
At the end of February/beginning of March, we got a huge ice storm. It was icy for two days and then it snowed for two days, two separate weeks in a row. It was awesome. The not awesome part was that the ice storm knocked a tree branch on our electrical line and our power went out. It was only out for a few hours, but it was evening and we were sure if we would get heat back on for the night. Plus, we were right in the middle of baking dinner and I was so hungry. So we got out candles and Harper got to have a candle light bath. It made for an interesting night but I'm glad it came back on. Our heat was down 10 degrees just in the first few hours.
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