Sunday, June 8, 2014

Grayson's 4th Birthday

Kristen and Brian had the family over for Grayson's 4th birthday.  We left straight from church, did some shopping, and got to Frisco a little early.  Harper was so excited about her first swim of the summer, that she couldn't wait for Grayson and Reese to wake up.  So she jumped in a swam by herself and loved every minute.  This girl has been asking to swim for months!  

Finally, Grayson and Reese woke up and all the other grandparents got there.  It was a perfect 85 degrees outside and Brian had the pool heated to a perfect 82, so we just had to get in.  None of us remembered our suits of course, so we all raided Kristen's closet.  Most everybody got in and we had a blast swimming.  We did try to make our girls area of the pool a "no splash" zone, but Grayson just couldn't help himself.  Carleigh got it the worst, but she didn't mind.  Harper loves that she can swim around by herself with her puddle jumper.  And Reese did surprisingly well for her first time wearing it.  It was still a little big on her because her head kept falling backwards into the pool.  Grayson it some balls off his tee into the pool and called it his "outfield."  Eventually everyone trickled out when the sun  went down - it still gets a little chilly in the evenings.  

Grayson was so much happier this birthday being the center of attention.  He loved his baseball cake, white cake with white frosting just like he likes.  And he loved everything he got - new baseball bat, bases, magnet blocks, and a kids golf set.  He is such a boy!  Harper kept trying to help but eventually he opened all his gifts and she stood up and shouted "Let's eat cake!"  That girl knows when it's dessert time!  So we all had cake and ice cream and enjoyed celebrating Grayson.  He is such a sweet boy, so smart and funny, and we love him very much!

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