Fall has arrived. I normally hate when summer ends, but so far, this fall has been beautiful. We have had cool days and warm days and rain storms and everything in between. Football has taken over our Friday nights, Saturdays and Sunday evenings. I normally complain, but it's been an exciting year for college football (more anxiety ridden for Aggies, but still). Harper has fallen in love with football. She is constantly asking who is playing and rooting for the Yellow Jackets, Ags, or Cowboys. She can watch football for hours and loves to talk with Cody about who is who and how each play went. Cody loves it!

Harper is doing great. We do preschool for an hour a few days a week. She loves recording the weather, figuring out if sunny means hot or if it can be cloudy and sunny at the same time. She loves to say the pledge of allegiance, hand over heart, flag waving in the air. She loves to do the calendar, sing the days of the week song, and planning her week based on what tomorrow is. We do letters and numbers and shapes. She is learning to write and is doing phenomenal for just starting out. She is so cute when she can't pronounce things right, it's hilarious. She still eats great, loves eating just about anything. She still gets dressed about 100 times a day. She usually surprises me when she comes out from rest time with at least three layers on and 5 accessories. And of course she thinks she looks amazing every day! PS. Do you see how cute Grayson and Reese are? They are so precious and big going to school everyday. And now Reesey has a new backpack, just like Harper and Grayson, and she is so proud of it!
Harper started dance classes this fall at Dance Xplosion downtown. She is in a class with about 6 other little girls doing jazz, tap, ballet, and tumble. She loves it! She gets to wear leotards and twirly skirts. She likes to walk around in her tap shoes and make noise. She loves the tumbling, although she is really only learned to somersault. And she loves that all her dances are set to Frozen music - her teacher was smart!

Cody and I have both had a great month. We actually had a date night this month, only a mere 6 months after our last one. But it was fun and we had a good dinner and dessert. I also got to have a girls night and we all made pumpkins and I made some craft stuff for a friend having a baby shower soon. I've been working out at the gym 4 days a week and am loving it. There is a great childcare with a big gym for Harper to play on. I have a group of girlfriends who all go and we have fun together. I love how much better I feel and how much more productive I have been. It starts my day off better and Harper and I are out and getting errands done instead of sitting at home and being bums. I did get sick for a few weeks and had to miss but I have good friends who take care of me, so that always helps. And Cody made it onto the DISD webpage. He is such a good teacher - and a hottie! I am so proud of him, he works hard, loves what he does, and I know his kids love him too. It's really nice to see rewards for a job that is sometimes difficult.

We miss seeing my family as often because we are so far away. But my sisters are doing so good at school this year. Taylor is a senior, working on the newspaper, got a job at the HobLob, and doing college visits. Carliegh is a junior, taking a few too many hard classes, working at the Fro Yo stand. They are so cute and I love seeing them when we are down visiting. Harper tells me all the time about how she misses them and how they are her best friends. We spent the day down there and had fun just goofing off.

We are loving our church and bible study. Our group is doing a marriage study right now and it's been great for us to see all these different marriages and how God is working to sanctify us all through them. Harper loves her friends and gets excited to play with Camilla, the only other girl. Sadly, they have a love hate relationship because they always seem to want the same thing (they are girls). So sometimes it's a struggle, but I know they love each other in the end. Part of the reason they fight is over baby Clementine, but I can't blame them. She is so stinking cute and such a good baby! We all fight over her. :) We celebrated Camilla's 3rd birthday and Harper was so excited for her and all the new toys she got!
And this is just a sweet picture of dear Kevin who came to visit. Harper had to show him how to put her Doc McStuffins puzzle together, and of course explain who all the characters were. She liked hanging out with him and definitely did not want to go to bed that night.
Happy Fall!